Managing your Account
You can view your account details from the settings menu at the top right-hand corner select Account & Team. The Account Details page displays your name, role, team members, organization name, and the number of conversations remaining.
Managing your Team
Users with the organization role of “Owner” have the ability to manage the members of your organization, their roles, and permissions through the Digital DNA Studio Account & Team page.
Roles and Permissions
Digital DNA Studio users need one of the following roles to be able to access, create, and manage projects:
Role | Permissions |
Owner | - Has the ability to invite, remove, assign roles to other members, and access all of the projects within the organizations from the Digital DNA Studio.
- Has all the permissions of the Editor role.
Support | The support role is used for authorised Soul Machines support users who have been added to the organization to provide assistance. - Has all the permissions of the Organization Owner role.
| - Has the ability to create, edit, deploy, and delete their own Projects.
| - Has the ability to access Insights for all projects in their organization.
- Cannot create, edit, deploy, and delete Projects.
Inviting New Members
As an Organization Owner, you can invite your team members to Digital DNA Studio. To do so, follow the below steps:
- From the settings menu at the top right-hand corner select Account & Team.
- Click Invite a New Member.
- Enter the name, official email address, and select a suitable role for the team member you wish to invite to Digital DNA Studio.
- Click Confirm to add the new member or X to cancel.
They will receive a welcome email with instructions to log in. Once they accept the invite the team members are listed under the Your Team section. You can change the role of the team member at any time.
Note: Users must accept the confirmation within 5 days of receiving it by clicking the link within the email. If the user does not accept the invite within 5 days they must have an invitation re-sent to them.

Invite Team Member
Resending Invitations
Users who haven't accepted the invitation or haven't completed the sign-up process can be invited again. These users are listed under the Pending Users section.

Resend Invitation
Removing Team Members
To remove team members simply click Remove Member against the name of the member. Click Yes, Remove on the confirmation pop-up window. If a removed user must be re-added, email [email protected] and specify the user email that must be reinstated.

Remove Team Member
Canceling Subscription
If you wish to cancel your Digital DNA Studio subscription, contact [email protected] with your request.
Note: The entire organization's subscription will be canceled and all team members' projects will be deleted; this action cannot be reversed.